Patch - February 14 2025
Robot Rampage » Devlog
- Dash damage reduced from 10 to 5
- Overhealth reduction occurs once per second instead of 5 times per second
- Pressing R initiates a weapon reload
- Fixed picking up a temporary carry weapon whilst already carrying a temporary weapon causing stored permanent weapons to be lost
- Weapons have more attachment slots at higher levels
- Weapons deal more damage at higher levels
- Dagger attack can be held
- Pistol A replaced with Revolver
- Pistol B replaced with Shorty
- Pistol C replaced with Piercer
- Pistol D replaced with Cutter Pistol
- Pistol E replace with Homing Pistol
- Pistol F replaced with Black Hole Pistol
- Pistol G replaced with Exploder
- Pistol H replaced with Recharger
- Pistol I replace with Scatter Pistol
- Pistol J replaced with Speedy
- Alien Blaster rate of fire slowed from 0.7s to 1s
- Alien Blaster projectile speed slowed from 20 to 15
- Weapons dropped by common and heavy enemies are removed if offscreen when the level goes into Clear Enemies objective state
- Damaged weapons dropped by enemies deal x2 damage by player
- Revolver no longer regenerates ammo
- Temporary Carry Weapons no longer reload on going to the next level
- For every enemy hit during a Steel Bull charge, an additional attack is created next time the player attacks
- Pulse Jumper dash damage is double the default
- Guardian and Juggernaut knife asset update
- Juggernaut minigun time reduced from 15s to 10s
- Most enemy speed increased slightly
- Most enemy damage halved
- Impaler elite enemy added
- Kamikaze speed increased
- Pawn fire rate reduced to once per 2s
- Ooze spawning goo trails disabled
- Common, heavy, and special enemy health scales up significantly after each area
- Added objective type: Kill Multiple Targets
- Bonus Objectives with Cash Rewards changed to Battery Rewards
- Spike attachment icon updated
- Spike attachment spike assets updated
- Attachment pickup collect particle effect updated
- Adrenaline Rush icon updated
- Weapon Belt icon updated
- Resilience icon updated
- Perk Added: Broken Cash - broken weapons drop cash
- Perk Added: Broken Scrap - broken weapons drop scrap
- Perk Added: Broken Attachments - broken weapons drop attachments (from available run pool)
- Perk Added: Broken Golden Floppy Disks - broken weapons have a 10% chance of dropping golden floppy disks
- Perk Added: Broken Batteries - broken weapons have a 10% chance of dropping batteries
- Perk Added: Four Leaf Clover - increases the odds of outcomes in favour of the player
- Perk Added: Lucky Coin - coins have a chance of spawning as lucky coins
- Perk Added: Shop Sale - shop items are 10% cheaper
- Perk Added: Heat Vision
- Perk Disabled: Turret Ammo Regenerate
- Perk Disabled: Turret Consume
- Perk Added: Hits Count - all attacks that hit enemies contribute to additional critical hit chance progression
- Rate of fire for turrets significantly reduced
- Interaction range for reloading turrets significantly increased
- Turrets no longer use ammo
- Player no longer crafts turrets by filling up their weapon attachment slots
- Turrets offered as end of level rewards
- Each Turret represents a card from a deck of playing cards, with the turret group representing the suit
- Stationary turrets renamed into Spades
- Chaser turrets renamed into Clubs
- Follower turrets renamed into Hearts
- Can't purchase health if already at full health
- Weapons have a chance of being a higher level the further into a run the player is
- Added light to Closed Sign
- Added Merchant Safe
- Attachments in shop can only be purchased once
- Turrets can be purchased from shop
- Attachments can be purchased multiple times
- Shop now offers a weapon recycling machine
- Prices doubled
- Increased distance the merchant tries to keep between themselves and the player
- NPCs will move away from the player and other characters when too close
- Added Guardian Bot: Bastion
- Added Guardian Bot: Sentinel
- Added Guardian Bot: Solace
- Added Guardian Bot: Paragon
- Added Guardian Bot: Oracle
- Loki just follows the player at a distance in the shop instead of trying to collect things for the player
- Increased the distance Loki tries to keep between themselves and the player in the shop
- Fixed starting cash upgrade not showing the correct starting cash value sometimes
- Renamed area group Zone A to The Wilds
- Renamed area group Zone B to The Depths
- Renamed area group Zone C to The Labs
- Renamed area group Zone D to The City
- Added area group The Fortress
- Added area Barren Lands to The Wilds
- Added area Forest to The Wilds
- Added area Undergrowth to The Wilds
- Added area Swamp to The Wilds
- Added area Ruins to The Depths
- Added area Mines to The Depths
- Added area Ritual Chambers to The Depths
- Added area Inner Sanctum to The Depths
- Added area Ice Fields to The Labs
- Added area Test Sites to The Labs
- Added area Laboratories to The Labs
- Added area Containment Facility to The Labs
- Added area Factory to The City
- Added area Streets to The City
- Added area Tower to The City
- Added area Vault to The City
- Added area Infernal Rift to The Fortress
- Added area Foundries to The Fortress
- Added area Oblivion Core to The Fortress
- Added area Molten Throne to The Fortress
- Standard Environment renamed to Barren Lands
- Green Forest environment removed
- Purple Forest environment renamed to Forest
- Blue Fungal Undergrowth environment removed
- Yellow Fungal Undergrowth environment removed
- Green Fungal Underground environment renamed to Undergrowth
- Brown Ruins environment renamed to Ruins
- Removed all ground decoration props
- The primary default level layout has been redesigned to include a set of walls
- Battery barrel asset update
- Battery base pile asset update
- Battery super pickup asset update
- Traps disabled
- Cash barrels drop more cash
- Poison Cloud barrels spawn more and larger toxic clouds
- Explosion barrels spawn more explosions, which are larger and deal more damage
- Explosion barrels don't damage the player
- Toxic Cloud barrels don’t damage the player
- Acid barrels don’t damage the player
- Fixed barrels not spawning perfectly aligned to navigation grid
- Text clarity increased for situations where player cannot make a purchase (max level reached / item is locked / cant afford / already purchased / etc)
- Input key is not shown when the player cannot make a purchase
- Lowered perk and attachment shop item description text
- Pickups show their name above when the player aims at them
- HUD level number replaced with area name
- Blur added during pause menu
- Character information bar technical update (system generalised and overhauled)
- Interaction system overhauled and improved for multiple interactions, interaction spaces, and local multiplayer support
- Weapon Ammo shown as an arc around player
- Weapon inventory shown on HUD
- Weapon attachment slots on HUD update correctly when picking up a temporary carry weapon
- Fixed weapon attachment slots on HUD not updating correctly when transitioning between rooms -Improved Critical Hit Chance on HUD and moved to top left
- Moved Cash on HUD to top right
- Settings - Display Menu has additional settings for brightness/contrast/vignette/noise/bloom
- Settings - Display Menu has lighting system toggle button
- Settings - Game Menu has toggle options damage text
- Settings - Game Menu has toggle options health text
- Settings - Game Menu has toggle options target character name
- Settings - Game Menu has toggle options target health bar
- Visual transitions between level changes
- Memory usage and performance optimisation
- Texture optimisation via dynamically loaded and flushed sprites
- Increased the scale of explosions by 25%
- Lights off camera are not drawn
- Replaced manually placed darkness in survival levels with auto placed darkness on deactivated level spaces -Fixed Survival in Zone B,C, and D crashing on start
- Fixed The Depths survival gate not unlocking the correct level space
- Cash barrels prevented from spawning in survival mode
- Aim assist looking onto non character/attack-interact solids fixed
- Fixed fire bomb collision masks being very incorrect
- Camera is less affected by player aim
- Status Effects system has been overhauled
- Transform system parent/child dynamics updated
- Splash screens updated for all platforms
- Icons updated for all platforms
- Optimised movement system by reducing operations for non-moving entities
- Explosions deal 50% less knockback
- Doubled magnet pickup attract range
- Critical Hit Chance progression requires 3 kills instead of 10
- Added battery to auto complete for console command for spawning super pickups
- Added Camera Settings debug overlay sliders for changing new camera settings
- UI Debug Overlay section added
- Debug overlay options in UI section for toggling damage text posters
- Debug overlay options in UI section for toggling health text posters
- Debug overlay options in UI section for toggling health bars
- Debug overlay options in UI section for toggling character names
- Debug overlay options in UI section for toggling character effect icons
- F6 to toggle HUD visibility
- Updated console command autofill to show options for autofilling
Files 85 MB
28 days ago
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Robot Rampage
Kill aliens. Collect upgrades. Build turrets.
Status | Prototype |
Author | Ampersand Game Studios |
Genre | Action |
Tags | Aliens, Crafting, Endless, Robots, Top down shooter, turrets |
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